What Will 2112 Bring?

I have always been a sucker for science fiction stories ( among other things ) and I would love to think that we will see holidays to Mars, flying cars and robot taxis before too long. However, since I am getting kind of impatient waiting for these essential advances I decided to have a think about what we could expect in a centuries time.

You might like to see a water fountains outdoor use but what about getting it working on the Moon? The lack of water on Earth’s natural satellite might make that seem impossible but I reckon that it is worth investing billions of dollars into researching the matter. Can you imagine standing in (on?) the Sea of Tranquility and watching as a fountain dances away in front 0f the Earth? It would be an amazing experience and well worth leaving the Earth’s orbit for.

Can you picture the world filled with lots of flourescent paint? I know the technology already exists to do this but it seems that we just aren’t ready for it. I would love to see the streets filled with purple, yellow and red paint instead of boring duller colours. Of course, this would make riding to work in the cloning factory on our hoverboards a good deal more exciting.

Is it possible that electric lawn mowers take over the world? This is a pretty scary thought and I certainly wouldn’t want to run into one in a darkened alleyway outside the hologram cinema. Maybe I am just getting paranoid but I just saw my lawn mover looking at me kind of funny.

What will the best coffee maker be like on 2112? I have a suspicion that it will  be used to produce more than just coffee. Maybe they will invent a machine which can make coffee and drinkable three course meals as well. A cup of cock a leekie soup, lasagne and apple pie with ice cream could be just I need to get started in the afternoons, although my dog won’t be too happy that he no longer gets any leftovers.

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