I Need to Try This

Do you ever see something new and think, “Wow, I would love to try that”? It is a brilliant experience and a few things have made me feel that way lately.

What about glass pipes. I have never in my life smoked any sort of pipe and the idea of using of a glass one seems somehow thrilling. It certainly would add a bit of style and panache to my day if people were to see me strolling around with a glass pipe in my mouth. If I don’t like the actual smoking experience could I maybe fill one with fit juice suck on this without anyone noticing the difference?

Do I want some sea kayaks essentials? Was flipper a dolphin? I have always loved the idea of exploring the coast independently in some sort of boat but if I am being honest the idea scares me a bit too. Should I wait until I make my fortune and can afford a giant yacht with crew or should I get a kayak and do it alone?

Before Bruno gets too worried I should let him know that I thought that dog boarding was something else. I thought that it was some sort of pooch surfing he could enjoy while I was in my kayak smoking or drinking fruit juice from my glass pipe. It turns out that it simply about putting your dog in a boarding kennel. Still, it’s a great name for a sport as well.

A heat treat sounds great, doesn’t it? It brings to mind having a relaxing sauna and then being handed a cup of tea while you settle down in your fluffy bathrobe. If it turns to be some sort of boring process for altering the properties of materials I am going to be sorely disappointed.

I have never ever owned a candy mold. In fact, it seems strange to admit it but I have never even seen one. For someone who has made it their mission to consume every type of sweet thing known to man this is incredible. Is it too late to buy one? I could pretend it it is for my daughter you know.

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