Did I Miss Something?

Isn’t is strange how life keeps ticking along even while you are doing something else? Try lying in bed for a week and you will be amazed at how no one noticed your absence and that the world has kept on turning.

In my case I had about a year a while back where I ignored the internet, didn’t watch TV and couldn’t make out a word of the local newspapers even if I had wanted to. When I reintroduced myself to normal society I was shocked to see how people had changed (is that really Hugh Laurie who has turned into a sex symbol on US telly? What would Baldrick say?)

This was a while ago now but I was reminded of it the other day and thought it would be interesting to see what other developments have passed me by during my life.

I guess I knew deep down that bathroom partitions exist but I have never seen one before or ever heard anyone speak about them. I would quite like one but I am not sure what I would do with it. My bathroom is small enough as it is and if I divide it up any more then I’ll need to shower one leg at a time.

I don’t claim to know what fit mass nutrition is but it sounds like something healthy. If my memory isn’t playing tricks on me then when I got back into the world again was when I first saw ads for no carb foods. I can quite clearly remember a red double decker bus rolling past me in London and staring at the ad with my jaw hanging open. I think this really happened but equally it might have been a particularly pointless dream.

Sunroof installation is it? We didn’t have them in my day. My uncle’s old car (we are talking about cars here, aren’t we?) was the first car I ever sat in and it didn’t even have working windows. Just as well we didn’t live somewhere warmer like Siberia.

We used to wash our own dog when I was a kid. Or to be more exact we didn’t. But then no one else did either. Now you can get your fancy Dan Scooby dog washing services sorted out online it seems. That’s progress.

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