Extension Leads Can Cause Nervous Breakdowns

When I lived in the UK I took certain things for granted. Our teams would lose in sporting events, the rain would arrive sooner or later and Terry Wogan would appear on the telly before long.

Since moving to South America most of the certainties have been removed from my life. I kind of miss the comforting voice of Wogan in the morning but in most cases this break from the norm has been a good thing. One thing which gets on my wick though is the fact that I can’t get a good extension lead here. This might seem like a minor point to some but it drives me crazy every time one burns, breaks or simply stops working. What other things could be more complicated than they look?

Bonsai tree care isn’t as simple as Mr Miyagi made it look. I looked after my mother in law’s for a few months and it starting growing giant leaves which were completely out of proportion to its tiny trunk. Rather bizarrely, my full sized tree in the garden starting growing tiny leaves at the same time.

I have always been interested in loft conversions for some reason. As a kid I was desperate to get an attic room but alas it was never to be. When I was a lot older I finally lived out my dream for a few months but kept banging my head off the low ceiling. The lesson I learned from this? Don’t leave your dreams on hold until you measure more than 5 foot.

Soccer socks are great for playing football with but they don’t make such great places to store your cash. How do I know? Just trust me on this one.

What exactly is an Eagle’s Nest Camp anyway? It sounds like fun but might it be a tough, relentless boot camp where you are expected to run 20 miles with a table on your back and then eat cold porridge and polish your shoes until the evil Sergeant can see his cruel piggy eyes reflected in them? No? Oh, well I guess that’s alright then.

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