This list contains the top deals I've found for Furniture Stores NYC. We have also written about Cheap Furniture Stores, Jewelry Stores and Menards Patio Furniture.
-- Lena

Furniture Stores NYC

I “Heart” New York! Everything in the famed city is the epitome of what is current and classic. Walking along the grids of Manhattan could very well lead you to treasures that you would not find anywhere else. What is essentially “New York” may be deemed as outrageously expensive and sinfully exquisite. No matter. If you are on the verge of furnishing your home, some of the best furniture stores are in New York City!

  1. Ethan Allen Vintage Style:  Who has not heard of Ethan Allen? This 80-year old furniture store has furnished the homes and offices of US presidents, celebrities, socialites and millionaires. Though the furniture company started out handcrafting wood furniture it has branched-out into different makes, styles and designs. To date it features 5 signature lifestyles: modern; elegance; romance; explorer and vintage. You can just click the lifestyle that best describes you and out pop all the furniture that falls under that category. Easy shopping. Not really cheap but affordable to a point. Great quality.(
  2. IKEA:  The Scandinavian furniture retailer is the biggest in the world. What’s endearing with its furniture are its simplistic lines and practical approach.  The products showcased on the website encompass various parts of the home/office. Additional products such as storage bins, rugs and even articles of clothing, linen, bed sheets and more are available too. (
  3. Anthropologie: The items found in this store is akin to classier, more feminine and sophisticated furniture found (with favors) at flea markets and obscure craft stores. Not everyone has the time to source for “treasures” at flea markets but at Anthropologie, there are approximations for sale. Great place! Really! Expensive? Yes! (
  4. Crate and Barrel: For those who want the glamour and sophistication of Ethan Allen but for a lesser price, Crate and Barrel is a good option.  Quality and beautiful pieces of furniture for every room in a house and the office are available here in various styles and makes. (
  5. Surprise Surprise: This furniture store does not really sell furniture for the whole house but deals more with “ideas” or solutions for spaces. Their designs are light, contemporary, simple and would bode well for homes that have contemporary interiors. This is not for those who prefer classic and traditional furniture. Very affordable- bordering on “cheap”. (
  6. Antiquarius Imports: If you are into something antique or rustic or African with a splash of the contemporary, then click the link. The website is a haven for those who are into something unique and Tibetan. The idea here is to pick a piece or two as accents and not furnish the whole house in this style. (
  7. Jennifer Furniture: The various furniture featured by this manufacturer are quite traditional with a modern twist. Most of the pieces may prove to be bulky for a compact apartment but will do nicely for spacious homes.  The lines of the furniture are contemporary but not too sleek.  The most promising piece of furniture from Jennifer Furniture is its line of sofa beds. (
  8. Hell’s Kitchen Flea Market: Well, the website is not really a furniture store but a blog about Hell’s Kitchen Flea Market. This famous flea market is located west of 39th and 9th Streets. There are various items sold in this flea market. Some are gems and some are not.  The thing is you’ll never know what treasure you’d find so you keep coming back. (
  9. IKEA Hackers: As the name implies, the blog owners try their best to “hack” furniture designed by IKEA. The site is a semi DIY blog as there are posts that take you on a step-by-step journey on how to build the hacked item. The result? – great piece of an IKEA-ish DIY project. (
  10. Moco Loco: This is not a furniture store but a blog about contemporary furniture designs that are sometimes not as intuitive to figure out. The pieces featured here are very interesting and would probably cost a bunch, if ever it’s put on sale. (

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  1. From Back Home Again on 08 Feb 2012 at 9:16 pm

    […] have never been to any of the furniture shores NYC offers. Am I missing out on some thing here? I guess that they come with a lot of big apple chic but […]

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