This list contains the top deals I've found for Glass Mechanix. We have also written about Glass Manufacturers, Milk Glass and Glass Shower Doors.
-- Sylvie

Glass Mechanix

Glass Mechanix started in Utah in 1982 selling products for windshield repair; they have since expanded to include other types of glass Restoration. In this article, I will provide you, the reader with more information regarding websites that can be useful when trying to find information on Glass Mechanix. I will also provide you with one website I find not useful at all.

  1. Glass Mechanix website – I chose their official website as a great resource, as a matter of fact I think it would be the number one resource when looking for more information on the company. It is also possible to buy their products from their website which is definitely a plus. (
  2. YouTube Video on Glass Mechanix – Although this is guite an old video that was more than likely made in the 1990’s, it does have some information on the windshield repar business. It has been made and posted by GlassMechanix so the information is actually very good. (
  3. The Franchise Mall – Although I was unable to find any information on the Glass Mechanix website on Franchise information; this website appears to have quite a bit f information. They estimate the start-up costs and fees associated with having the Franchise as well as other information. (
  4. Better Business Bureau – The Better Business Bureau (BBB) is a well known company that rates companies based on many factors including company complaints. Although Glass Mechanix is not registered with the BBB it has still been given an A+ rating from the BBB. (
  5. Press Release on Glass Mechanix – This press release was made in September 2009 and is quite dated, but other than talking about the relocation of the company it also talks about the training center that the company has put in place. I though this press release, although not very long covered some good information not otherwise found on other websites. (
  6. Press Release on Glass Mechanix – Another press release with great information. This on was released in September 2010 and not only is it more recent, but it provides information on four of their new products. (
  7. New Glass Mechanix Website – If you have clicked on the link you may have noticed that this website does not have that much content yet. Well, it appears to be a work in progress. I added to the list because it appears as though it will be a very informative website when it is done. (
  8. Glass Bytes News Article on Glass Mechanix – This link is to a news article written in May 2011 about Glass Mechanix partnering up with a company called Techna Glass. although they say it is more of partnership, Glass Mechanix has actually taken over the management of the company. I chose this as a resource as I feel that it gives good information on both companies. (
  9. Franchise 2.0 – This is another website with information on Glass Mechanix franchising. I chose it because it has a little bit of different information than the other one. It talks a lot about the money that there is to be made in the windshield repair business. (
  10. Glass Mechanix Press Release – This was written in August 2010, and I chose another press release as having good information because it it where I have found out the most about the company. This specific one talks about a partnership with a company called Stuart Dean Company. (
  11. Yelp Website – I chose this website as the resource to avoid as it does not even have acurate information on Glass Mechanix. Most everything is not right including the year it was established the address. This website will only be confusing to customers. (

Additional User Suggestion

  1. benkhan wrote:

    I am much intetested in the your glass mechanic systems and i really want to have more details on the windshield repairs; glass scratch repairs and headlight repaiss. and if possible their prices and models.

    Posted 03 Sep 2011 at 7:27 pm
Glass Mechanix, rated 4.6 out of 5, based on 1 ratings.

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