Go to Sleep

I was going to write about something different today but just as I started typing my little girl starting crying. Every parent knows what it is like to try and get a child to sleep so maybe it’s time to look for some alternative methods. I’ll try and finish this off between running back and forward to rock her cradle.

Are kayak pools just pools which you can put kayaks in if you so wish? I guess so. They say that a rocking motion is ideal for getting a little one to sleep and maybe I could get her to sleep by taking her out for a little midnight kayak ride. Sounds like good fun provided that I don’t fall asleep out there as well.

Maybe I could look up some violin companies and soothe her to sleep with a few classical melodies. Sadly I think that my untutored violin playing is more likely to wake up the rest of the street rather lull her into a gentle slumber.

One of the big problems is that our dog makes an awful lot of noise at night. Between jumping on and off the sofas and banging open the doors he end up waking all of us up. Are there are any other dogs who are silent at night? Or maybe English bulldogs sing gentle lullabies in the evening or perhaps sausage dogs are experts in rocking cradles? I think this idea of canine baby sitters could take off now that I think about it. Most dogs don’t do enough productive work around the home anyway.  Just don’t try and get your cat involved in helping your baby drift off to sleep.

She went on her first bounce house at the local zoo last week and loved it. She only sat there looking at the rest of the kids most of the time but it seemed to be a great experience for her. Maybe she would like to sleep in one of these. At least there would be no chance of her falling out and hurting herself during the night.

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