Falling Down to Earth

I had a bit of a disaster this week which left me writhing on the floor in agony. I think I mentioned a while back about my problems with the local carpenters.

Well, this means that the access to our attic is through a precarious looking ladder rather than the smart, sturdy one I ordered 6 months ago. It’s a long story but basically I wanted to go up and see whether traffic was bad and just as I put my hands on the attic floor I felt the ladder slip away from me. Thankfully the ladder got jammed against the wall and it broke my fall but I ended up lying on the tiles in great pain next to the broken ladder.

What did this teach me? Not a lot really but let’s see if I can find anything to make me feel better.

I never realised that medicine cabinets could be so important. We have a small first aid box which I half heartedly bought a while back. Thanks to the products in it my wife was able to rub things on me and give me strange fizzy drinks which didn’t really help my pain but tasted nice anyway.

I hadn’t thought of this before but maybe I can use some of my little girl’s old baby bedding. She has an old mattress and some blankets she doesn’t use anymore. Perhaps I could lay them on the floor to break my fall anytime I climb up any higher than a couple of inches.

If I had used softwood flooring would this have broken my fall better? As I have never made a habit of plummeting to earth I had never considered this option before but maybe I should now. Back in the UK I always used carpets but these tiles in my current home are just so blooming hard.

I bought a couple of seat belts for the back seat of my car a couple of months ago. It was only when I went to install them that I realised that there were already seat belts fitted. This means that I have a couple of brand new seat belts lying in my shed (or possibly under the bed, putting things in the right place has never been one of my strong points). Anyway, I am now considering using one as I walk about the house, just in case.

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