Water Mess

I must be jinxed. Yes, that’s definitely it. In the last year everything I have tried to do in the house has turned into a disaster.

I have already spoken at length about my carpentry problems but the problems don’t end there. For about 6 months (and I am not exaggerating) I have trying to get a shower cabin fitted and working. It doesn’t sound like a big deal but every single step of the process has been pure agony. Now the cabin is there but it doesn’t work and the water dripping from it is starting to ruin the wall. It’s time for some watery relief I think.

My wife now wants an outdoor pool fitted but I am trying my best to change the subject every time she mentions it. It would take 5 years for it get finished and frankly life is too short. Still, I can stall her by buying some Polaris pool cleaner and pretending that I am getting the pool built. It will probably by a couple of years before she even realises that things are going slower than expected.

Can I use Whirlpool water heaters to have a shower? I don’t mind doubling myself up and  entering a washing machine, as it has got to be better than the bucket-based showers I am taking now. If it works I’ll start brushing my hair with the vacuum cleaner.

Could start a new water type hobby? I was thinking of water ski sessions. The real beauty of this is that I would take a bar of soap with me and have a good wash as I skip over the spray. Washing my hair might be quite difficult but it could still be good fun.

I know that portable toilets exist but what about portable showers? I could fit one of these in the patio and be done with it. I once used a shwoer in the jungle which involved a waterfall and a hose so I am not some fancy Dan who wants all mod cons anyway.

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