Category Archives: Featured

A Healthy Outlook

My house makes me sick. Actually, it doesn’t make me physically sick and it doesn’t really cause to me throw up in disgust. However, there seems to be less healthy aspects to it than my body demands. What could I do to make it (and me) healthier? For a start, I could look at getting hold of some game room ideas. This could give me some much needed exercise. Unless the ideas involve playstations and.

Call off the Dentist

I am just back from a spell in the the dentist’s chair and all I can say is ouch!. You would think that in the 21st century we would have a better and less painful way of fixing our teeth, don’t you think? Let’s see if we can come up with some ideas to get us started. First of all, I hate those bright lights they shine in your eyes. Actually, this is a good.

What’s This Mop Bucket For?

I am reading this right, aren’t I? Did a young pop singer called Justin really get accused of using a restaurant mop bucket instead of the toilet? What is that all about? For a start, any self respecting restaurant should be keeping their mops and buckets well out of the way of their VIP millionaire visitors. However, perhaps more important is the question of what else we could do with a mop bucket we have.

What Type of Tattoo Would Suit Me?

It seems like everyone has tattoos these days. Except me. I have never really wanted any artwork onto my body but maybe it is time to get with the crowd and get one done. Now what design could I choose? If I get a tattoo of Roman blinds done on my back I couldopen and close them depending upon the position of the sun in the sky. Hang on, I’ve not quite got the hang.

What a Great Invention

I just read that the guy who invented the computer mouse died recently. Doug Engelbart seemed to have been a bit of a genius and I just can’t imagine life without the mouse design he invented. This got me wondering about what other great inventions could change the world. What about a machine for pruning tomato plants which made it so much easier for us all to haveĀ  our own home grown tomatoes? Can you.