This list contains the top deals I've found for Electric Heaters. We have also written about Tankless Water Heaters, Whirlpool Water Heaters and Electric Water Heater.
-- Kenneth

Electric Heaters

Electric Heaters – These are energy converters that changes electric sources to heat, perfect for indoor usage during the cold winter, or rainy nights. Find the places in the web and stores in USA and Canada that sells their latest and most efficient heaters.
  1. Heater Outlet: This is your Do-it-Yourself Electric Heater Outlet! With their Wide range of selections, you are assured you can get the best heater fit to your home. Sort their Heater according to category like their Electric Heaters, Infrared Radiant Heaters, Water Heaters, and Gas Heaters. You can also sort these items according to price range. (
  2. Google Shopping: 5 star rating Electric Heaters are featured here at Google Shopping. You can also read their reviews on how great these items are! Read their Product Description and the brand and compare their prices now. (
  3. Amazon: Portable Electric Heaters for online sale here at Amazon. Buy them now while stock is still available. Read their full description and product details here. (
  4. Dimplex: They are at their top of their expertise in terms of Renewable Energy and Solar Thermal Solutions. Browse their ultimate lineup of Commercial Heating, Air Curtains, Water Heating, Electric Fires, Suites, Solid Fuel Stoves, Portable Heaters, Towel Rails and more. Download their complete brochure here for a complete product specifications and product images. (
  5. Cadet Safety and Quality: Heating Products are the main items for sale here at Cadet. Check out their latest Heat Treatment and Energy Solutions for an Economical, Safety, and Fast living. They have a line of products for Fan Heaters, Baseboard Heaters, Thermostats, Unit Heaters, and Floor Heaters. You can buy these online, retails, via contractors, and the factory itself. (
  6. Product Review: Sort their database for their reviews on some of the top selling Electric Heaters in the market. Find out if your dream Heater provides the best service it can render to your family. Sort these Heater Reviews according to Popularity, Rating, No. of Reviews and Date posted. Find reviews on Heaters from all trusted brands here at Product Review. (
  7. Heater Home: Save extra money here at Heater Home for all their Cheap, yet efficient Electric Heaters. All of their Heaters are all discounted! Check out all their Heater types here. (
  8. Northern Tools and Equipments: Buy Electric Heaters and Stoves at their lowest bundle price. Find their Top Sellers, Top Rated and on sale Heating items from top brands like Quallet, Cadet, TPI, Comfort Zone, Fahrenheat, and more. (
  9. Argos: Your online department store for quality Heating Solutions. Browse their Product tab for their Customer Rated and Latest arrival Heaters. Check out other heaters according to brand, price, category, and type. (
  10. Ouellet: For your Electric Heating solutions, Ouellet is one brand you can trust. Find Ouellet’s latest innovations in solving out heating dilemmas. Here you will find all authorized distributors of this authentic brand on Electric Heaters. (

Trackbacks & Pingbacks 2

  1. From Getting the Right Gifts on 04 Aug 2011 at 2:42 am

    […] Electric heaters. This ones for me. I am from the cold land of Scotland and used to go out in the show with a pair of shorts and a string vst on without shivering. Then I moved to South America and need 5 layers of clothing if the temperature drops below 20. Go figure. […]

  2. From Bearing Gifts and Stuff on 18 Oct 2011 at 9:23 pm

    […] bought a couple of electric heaters before winter started but never had to even get them out of the box. Winters here are pretty mild […]

Electric Heaters, rated 4.8 out of 5, based on 2 ratings.

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