Get Posh

Someone called me posh the other day because I bought a new phone. It isn’t even a very good phone but it was the first time I had ever been called posh and it got me thinking about what else I could do to become posher in the future.

I could look for silver suppliers, I suppose. The metal known to all good students as Ag and to Latin speakers as argentum has been strangley absent from my life up until now. What I would really like is a walking cane with a silver tip on it. I don’t know why but I just think that it would give me a certain debonair look.

One thing I should definitely look for is eyeglasses repair. I guess that the broken lens on my glasses make me look a lot less posh.To be fair I only use them for driving but a chap like me has to keep up his appearances all of the time. While I am at I could maybe get hold of some sheepskin gloves to drive with.

What about upgrading my footwear to wedge flip flops? That might not sound like much of an upgrade but if you saw the sandals I wear now you would see that they are definitely a big step up. I don’t know quite how it happened but my current sandals managed to break / wear out in 5 different places at the same time. I still use them of course but I probably look a bit less of a distinguished gent when I do so.

I could certainly do with a coach briefcase I think. I actually used to use a briefcase in a previous life, when I worked in a bank. If  I am being completely honest I only ever carried my sandwiches and a newspaper in it. Of course, the only people who knew this secret were the people who sat across from on the train and saw me pore over the sports section. And my work colleagues. And the people who saw me wolf down my cheese and pickle sandwiches in the local park.

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