Ignorance Is Bliss

As I flicked through some items on the site today it once again struck me that I am way more ignorant that I had thought. How else can you explain my lack of knowledge on the following points?

You can get a bed extender? What a great idea. When you want to stretch out a bit more than normal at night you can just slap this on and feel like a king. Lovely. Hold on, I’ve just shown my ignorance doubly, haven’t I? They aren’t for the kinds of bed which we sleep in but rather the beds on trucks. Now why would you want one of those?

Such a thing as craft tooling copper exists? What does this mean? Craft and copper are words I am familiar with but I have no idea what slipping the word tooling in the middle of them does to their meaning. I did a bit of research and while I am still not very clear about it I think it might be something which results in you having lots of bashed bits of metal on your wall. Hey, I might give it a go after all.

You can buy loggers safety pants? I think that is a great idea. I don’t often go around cutting down trees but I see absolutely no harm in being dressed for the occasion just in case it arises when I am out one day. On a slight digression, I saw a story in the local newspaper today that the police found smuggled wood hidden inside a truck which supposedly only contained bananas. I found this amusing purely because where I am from bananas are probably more expensive than wood. They aren’t so good for making shelves with though.

There are blow moulding companies for sale? Surely not? If I had the faintest idea what they did then I might be tempted to buy one of them. While we are on the the subject of bananas (eh?) I wanted to point out that until you have eaten a freshly picked one you haven’t lived. I don’t care how many life experiences you have had. If you haven’t ever eaten a banana which has not seen the inside of a cargo ship then get yourself along to Ecuador or the Philippines and try one. Did you know that China is the 3rd biggest banana producer in the world? Weird, eh?

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