It’s a New Day and I am Feeling Good

My flu is officially over and I am feeling good and kind of pleased with the world. It is at times like this when I put on my favourite Nina Simone song and realise that the birds in the sky do indeed know how I feel.

Even the creepiest trees on Earth could bring a smile to my face today. What are these cheeky chappies anyway? I would love to see some creepy trees and I am just not all that sure that they would freak me out. I mean, they are just trees right, or am I missing something here?

Could a stone façade improve my life? It already has and I don’t even have one. How can that be? Well, it helped my discover the ç key which I never even knew I owned. I have looked at this keyboard about 8 hours a day for the last 2 years and I never once saw the blooming big ç key on it. I’ll be using it a lot more from now on, that’s for sure.

Even stainless steel sinks could make me happy today. I love washing dishes almost as much as I enjoy ironing shirts and lying around in the mud while various winged creatures bite lump out of my skin (that’s not a lot by the way). However, today I would happily wash some cups and plates instead of hiring a garçon to do it for me.

Upholstery tools don’t generally get me excited but today they sound quite good. I have never done any sort of work on any sort of upholstery but I am starting to get won over by the idea. I could make myself a chaise longue in the best français style and have somewhere elegant to lie down and be happy. The only problem is that I don’t really what a chaise longue is. Or how to build one. Or anything else on the subject really. Still, it’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life.

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