This list contains the top deals I've found for Loft Bed Plans. We have also written about loft beds, Picnic Table Plans and Pergola Plans.
-- Sofia

Loft Bed Plans

A loft bed is a bunk bed where the lower bunk is used for other purposes except as another bed. This is an ideal space saver and it is popular to kids, teens and college students who live in crowded dormitories. Ready-made loft beds tend to be expensive. If you want to get your own loft bed for a cheaper cost, you can avail loft bed plans online and have a carpenter create them for you. If you have woodworking skills, no one is stopping you from doing them yourself.

  1. College Bed Lofts – For just $10, you get 13 pages of plan for eight different sizes. These plans require minimal woodworking skills and if you are dedicated enough, you can finish it within 2 days. The plans can be immediately printed from this website once you have paid. For an additional cost, you can buy loft bed hardware kits, leg kits and ladder kits too. They offer free shipping to contiguous US. You have a lot of options and you can see all of them in this website, whether to buy the loft bed plans with kits or not. You can also find here consumer reviews of previous buyers and pictures of their created loft beds based on the plans they have bought on the site. (
  2. OP Loft Bed – You can purchase detailed plans filled with easy-to-follow instructions that enable you to build sturdy loft beds in a single weekend.  For only $10, you can now order your plans in this site. In this very organized website, you’ll access general information about loft bed building such as insight on the materials, dimensions and costs. You can either get your loft bed plan online or by mail. They also posted free plans for those who are in a budget, although they aren’t for loft beds but for other woodworking projects. Fabrication and assembly instructions are also posted here. If you want to have an idea as to how loft beds would look like after fabrication, you can see them in the photo gallery. Testimonies of the site’s previous plan buyers can also be found here. (
  3. – This isn’t a commercial site but an informative site. You can find an article here that talk about loft beds explaining how they can be an efficient space saver, how maximum safety can be observed in its features and a few indispensable tips to consider in making a loft bed. They also have here a listing of free loft bed plans available online. (
  4. Bunk Bed Central – They also provide links to free loft bed plans found on the internet. Each of these loft bed plans are concisely described for you to have a short insight about how they will look like. They also $27.95. A short overview of this loft bed plan can be found on the site with a picture of how it is expected to look like after construction. (
  5. Bunk Beds Unlimited – This is the loft bed plans page of this online shop that specializes in bed plans. They currently have seven bunk bed plans that cost $9.95 each. When you click the picture of a loft bed featured on this, you will see that they also offer hardware kits for the said product. Description of the loft bed plan and kits, similar products and reviews can also be seen here. (
  6. Furniture Plans – Only one loft bed plan is found here and it goes for $9.99. The plan includes material list, cut list and diagrams, step-by-step instruction and shop tips and tricks. A short description of the loft bed can be found here. As can be seen from the picture, it looks like a sturdy loft bed that you might want to check out and do for yourself. (
  7. Plans Now – You will also find here another loft bed plan that costs $7.95. A short description of the loft bed can be found on site. You are also informed beforehand of the joinery used and suggested power tools that you should use in order to construct the loft bed. This information helps you prepare beforehand. They offer consumers a good deal such that 20 different plans sell for only $29.95. (
  8. Free Bed Plans – The site header says it provides hundreds of free plans for beds. Of course they have loft bed plans too. They have a listing free loft bed plans and they are those that you can find on the internet when you are surfing. Each one is described beforehand in order to rouse your interest in the said loft bed. Of course they also provide links to downloadable loft bed plans that come for a fee. (
  9. Ask the Builder – An informative site that caters to woodworkers and DIY-ers, you can find here tips on how to build loft beds and they also have a few entry on loft bed plans. Pertinent information can be found here to help get you started on your loft bed project. Users also post questions and they ask the builder, Tim, certain questions pertaining to loft bed construction. You might be able to find one concern you can relate to or you can ask the builder your own questions. Truly helpful site not only for your loft bed project but also for any woodworking project you may have in the future. (
  10. Do It Yourself – Also an informative website just like the previous website. They also have a lot of articles about loft beds. Loft bed plans in this website are presented as a how-to article. You can find several loft bed plans here. This precise article linked on this number is the most straightforward of all. The instructions are clear however the lack of illustrations is a major disadvantage. Check out the related how-to’s for other information about loft beds such as tips and other loft bed plans. (
  11. Loft Bed Plans Online – This site is full of articles regarding loft beds. However, these articles don’t provide concrete information about loft bed plans. The articles seem to be a padding that contains keywords leading to another link that only serves as an advertisement for a product that gives you access to 14,000 woodworking projects. You may find the product useful but the website featured in this number is misleading and is a waste of time. (

User Suggestions (2)

  1. Sherry wrote:

    ■Plans and hardware to build solid-wooden bunks.
    ■This is solid furniture that will hold up to many years of hard use and still look great!
    ■Free Shipping on all plans and hardware kits to the 50 US States. No additional charges!
    ■Plans meet and exceed all of the CPSC safety rules.
    ■You won’t find easier, more comprehensive plans.
    ■For kids as well as for adults.
    ■If you are planning on building your own, there are many styles to choose from with Storage Drawers, Triples, Lofts, L-Shape and more.

    Posted 23 Nov 2011 at 2:58 am
  2. Sherry wrote:
    ■Plans and hardware to build solid-wooden bunks.
    ■This is solid furniture that will hold up to many years of hard use and still look great!
    ■Free Shipping on all plans and hardware kits to the 50 US States. No additional charges!
    ■Plans meet and exceed all of the CPSC safety rules.
    ■You won’t find easier, more comprehensive plans.
    ■For kids as well as for adults.
    ■If you are planning on building your own, there are many styles to choose from with Storage Drawers, Triples, Lofts, L-Shape and more.

    Posted 23 Nov 2011 at 3:00 am

Trackbacks & Pingbacks 1

  1. From Am I Doing This Right? on 03 Jan 2012 at 2:46 am

    […] example, I just got a loft built but don’t have any loft bed plans. Is this something I need or is it an option? Will guests and other unwanted visitors make fun of […]

Loft Bed Plans, rated 4.9 out of 5, based on 3 ratings.

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