My Future Lives

I wrote about reincarnation a while back and this got me wondering about what lives I will have in the future. You don’t hear much about this, do you? People always talk about being the Prince of Prussia or being Cleopatra’s personal toe nail clipper but no one ever know what the future holds for them. Except me, of course.

In the 2070 I am going to be a garage door opener for the King of Wantogland (just about where the US is right now). It might not sound like a great job but since the world warwhich  humanity fought against robotic cars ( I am not giving away too much here, am I?) it is the most prestigious job apart from clipping someone’s toe nails.

In 2090 ( I didn’t last long in the other life after a rogue Mini got hold of me) I am going to work in the field of modern cuisine. With all of the turmoil of the last few decades people have completely forgotten about things like chips (that’s french fries to residents of Wantogland) and hamburgers. I will package this as cutting edge innovation and enjoy massive profits while the world gets fat and unhealthy. Hey, it’s the free market principles at work.

I n 2143 I will be involved in auto wrecking in some way, either as a career or as a hobby. We tend to think of futuristic cities in one of two ways, don’t we? Either it is all shiny steel skyscrapers and flying cars or a post apocalyptic doomsday with burning, wrecked cars everywhere. I think the reality might be a bit more boring.

In 2212 I might need some Pella storm doors to deal with, well, with the storms I guess. It turns out the Mayans got their sums wrong and in a couple of hundred years some unspecified disaster hits the planet and causes me to stop working as a dignified toe nail clipper in Brad Pitt City. Time to jump in my flying car and get out of there.

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