My New Year Resolutions

We all know that New Year is a time for eating lots of biscuits, drinking a lot of fizzy stuff and doing silly things, but isn’t also the time for making resolutions? I don’t have any bad habits to lose – ahem – so let’s look at a few other ways to improve my life.

Let’s start off gently with the best coffee maker I can find. I am fed up using a broken old tea sieve to filter my daily cup. In 2012 I will start off my days in the best way possible. And, did you know that coffee beans are seeds, not beans? You did, oh well…

Did I mention the other day that I just got a swanky new shower enclosure fitted? Now I can have a sauna or blast myself with high power jets without leaving my own home. Great, but the problem is that the rest of the bathroom now looks like a mess. I need some bathroom remodeling ideas and then my resolution will be to do the work on it myself. What? The mere idea of me wielding a…err..exactly what tools do plumbers wield anyway? I once unblocked a drain but my plumbing skills don’t go a lot further than that.

I would like to talk about indoor outdoor carpets now. I am not sure why but I think it is just because they have such a great name. Would these be good for agrophobics who want to spend time out of doors without actually leaving the house? Maybe I could then go one step further and buy a high low chair and a dark bright carpet. This idea of combining two words which mean the opposite of each other could catch on in the home furnishing world.

What about some upholstery tools? There we go again with the whole DIY thing. Is 2012 going to be the year in which I finally become a dab hand with a drill and a wizard with the work bench? It seems unlikely to be honest but you never know. I have just painted a few of the walls and it felt kind of good in a disappointingly dull kind of a way, so maybe I will look to pick up some new skills after all.

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