Yet More Degrees of Separation…Part 3

If one article about finding connections was good and a second one was more then welcome then a third one is either the icing on the cake or the scraping of the barrel, depending upon how you look at these things. Anyway, here we go with the most difficult ones I could find.

I chose Montre polar because I didn’t know what it was. Then I looked into it and, well, I still don’t really know to be honest. Is it something to do with big walk in freezers? I have a big freezer in my garage which I am trying to sell (all reasonable offers accepted by the way) but have never been in a walk in freezer. I would quite like to go in one though to see what it feels like. My uncle used to be a butcher so he probably knows what its like to be in one.

Ok, so I chose a relatively easy one next to give my brain a rest. It is Polish grocery stores and I have been in one in London and one in Dublin too. I bought Polish fruit juice in london and tinned hot dogs in Dublin. Actually, the goods were from Poland but how do I know the shops were actually Polish? Maybe they were Lithuanian or Albanian and just sold Polish stuff. Not so easy after all this one.

Don’t you just love the name Ginseng farms in Waterford? I have never been to Waterford (is it the Irish one or is there another?) and never tried ginseng so I am struggling to find a connection here. I did once eat a sandwich in Galway but I realise that isn’t quite the same thing. When I look up wikipedia I see that Siberian ginseng has a woody root. That information doesn’t help me find a connection but it does help me subtly change the subject and move onto the next one.

Are people putting weird names on here just to catch me out? Who even knew that veterinary opthamologists existed? Next we will have porcine masseurs and marsupial dentists on here. As you can guess I have absolutely no connection with this subject. I have a dog but he seems to have 20/20 vision.

Are sumo suits what I think they are? You can bet your rikishi they are. You put on a padded suit and try to throw a similarly padded friend out of the ring . Have I ever seen a sumo bout, been in one or had any sort of interest in one? No at all. But I am thinking about splashing out on one of those suits now.

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