An New Alarm System for a Groovy Guy

I was doing some research on home burglar alarm systems recently and I hadn’t realised that there we so many different models about for a groovy but kind of nervous guy like me. Alarms that bark like dogs, alarms that send out banks of fog and alarms that, well, make alarm type noises; you can not get all of them. However, what I want is one of the following models.

Tripwire patio dining sets. This is probably the coolest type of home security possible. Basically, before going to bed you would set out some tempting food and drinks on your patio dining set. You would then wait for an intruder to come along and sit down to feast on your muffins and pineapple and carrot smoothies. You would have left glue on the seats so the bad guy(s) would be stuck while you called the cops and had a nibble of a few of those scones.

Hidden glass shower doors. I have a habit of banging into glass doors, which makes me wonder whether the manufacturers could make them out of something other than a completely transparent material. Anyway, this leads me on to the fact that glass shower doors could be fantastic at stopping burglars. You would just need to have a few about the house in places like on the stairs and in the corridors.

I don’t like big dogs but maybe I could come to an agreement with some small dog breeders to have a lot of tiny pooches around the house. A couple of dozen small dogs should be as effective in scaring intruders as one big one I would think.

Could I use bathroom partitions to make a secret bedroom where I hide with all of my belongings, leaving the thief to stand and scratch his head at what appears to be an empty bedroom with nothing of worth in it? sounds good to me, but if I could then cover him in a bank of fog as well and have an electronic dog bark wildly I would feel a lot safer.

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