This list contains the top deals I've found for Front Yard Landscaping. We have also written about Front Yard Landscaping, Landscaping Ideas and Landscaping Pictures.
-- Lena

Front Yard Landscaping

Front Yard Landscaping

The front yard is where we enter and exit our homes. More often than not, we “breeze” through the front yard and spend very little time there for most homeowners focus on the backyard for outdoor living. It is important to do front yard landscaping as doing so adds curb appeal to your home thereby not only beautifying it but also adding value and  a “homey” ambiance to it.  Below are some websites that offer great ideas for front yard landscaping.

  1. Landscape Design Advisor: You just can’t plunge into landscaping your front yard without at least knowing some basics on landscaping. The front yard is the first part of your home (and probably the only part seen by passers-by) viewed by guests and it is necessary to really put some work on it. This website educates you on the rudiments of front yard landscaping and the various components and materials that you can use to beautify your front yard. (www.
  2. Front Yard Landscaping:  This site has articles relating to the different ways you can improve on your front yard. You have the option to add curb appeal or to screen your front yard from the public.  You also have the option to design your driveway and walkway or make the front door and entrance as the focal point of your front yard landscaping design. (www.
  3. Front Yard Landscaping Ideas (video): What better way to have an idea on how to landscape your front yard than viewing “possibilities”.  The landscape designs are done professionally and an avid and enthusiastic DIY-er could get fresh ideas from this video.  (
  4. How to Landscape a front yard (video): Now, here’s a technical video on how to actually do a blueprint for your front yard’s landscaping. This video might prove to be boring for those who are not into technical things but will definitely prove very useful to tech-savvy DIY-ers. (
  5. Desperate Landscapes: Now, here’s one site that actually deals on ways to handle difficult landscaping jobs, makeovers, minor and major renovations and more things to do on how to improve the front yard. This website has more to offer than just designing the front yard. (
  6. Do-It-Yourself Landscaping Tips : This site presents the reader with a clear understanding of the different kinds of flowers that you can use in the front yard garden. It is interesting to note that you are not limited into incorporating flowers and shrubs in the landscape design as you can also make use of water structures, rocks and other hardscape in the design. (
  7. Landscaping DIY guides:  Stumped on how to begin your DIY front yard landscaping? Here’s one site that offers practical guides on how to lay garden lawns, garden paths, garden fencing and more. The instructions are quite straightforward that even a newbie DIY-er can easily follow them. (
  8. Outdoor Décor: A landscape project is never really complete without accessories such as decorative lighting, garden sculptures, planters, wind chimes, water structures, fountains, birdfeeders and such. A fitting garden accessory would definitely add a point of interest in any garden. This website has various decorations to offer at very affordable price. (www.
  9. Discounted Landscape: If you don’t have the time and the inclination but have the money to hire a professional landscaper, visit this site to get a general view on what to expect from a pro. The site lists down the varied landscaping jobs available from their highly skilled landscapers. (
  10. Types of Flowers: This website is very helpful in determining the kind of flora to plant as part of your front yard landscaping. The flowers are classified into perennials, annuals, bulbs, summer, spring, autumn, tropical and more. You could really read up on which type of flower is best for your location and type of landscaping. (www.

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  1. From Some Necessary Luxuries on 08 Feb 2012 at 9:12 pm

    […] some front yard landscaping done shouldn’t be a luxury really, should it? The houses on my street are all fairly new but […]

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