This list contains the top deals I've found for How to Build a Pergola. We have also written about Pergola Designs, Pergola Plans and Pergola Designs.
-- Lena

How to Build a Pergola

A pergola or arbor is a wonderful feature to any garden. It consists of pillars or posts that support cross-beams and lattice in which vines or crawlers could be trained to grow. A pergola will definitely offer a shaded pathway or sitting area or even serve as a form of gazebo or “roofing” over open areas such as terrace or porch.

  1. 7,175 Pergola Home Design Photos: This website features more than 7,000 designs of square, circular and rectangular pergolas integrated in homes. There are pergolas constructed of wood or concrete or a combination of concrete and wood. There are pergolas in varied architectural styles with some columns in Ionic form while others styled in American Arts and Crafts or even Japanese Zen. (
  2. Pergola Ideas: The ideas for a pergola on this website are quite extensive at over 1,000 design ideas. There are pergolas with wooden slats for roofing. There are pergolas with polycarbonate sheets as cover and there are those with just the rafters and (eventually) climbers or vines to serve as covering. The ideas here are outstandingly unique and beautiful. (
  3. Pergola Ideas: It is hard put to decide which type of pergola to build. This structure is basically Mediterranean so building a classic pergola would have to adopt the style. If you wish for a pergola for climbing plants, there is no need to put roofing for the structure’s cover. If you wish to add a swing hanging from the cross-beams, then there’s a design for this type too. (
  4. Pergola Design Ideas: Attached Pergolas: Though pergolas were originally meant to serve as shade for garden walkways, they could also be attached to the house as an outdoor extension. A pergola could be attached to a garage, an entrance porch or deck as an additional structural element to beautify the house in general. (
  5. How to Build  a Pergola Step by Step (video): For the regular DIY-ers, here’s an easy to follow video on how to build a pergola. If you have no experience whatsoever, I advice that you just by one of those DIY-kit pergola set to make your life a bit easier. (
  6. How to Build a Pergola: Here is another website that offers step by step instructions on how to construct your very own pergola. The estimated time of construction is 2 weeks. The estimated cost is $500 plus or minus, depending on the size of the pergola. (
  7. Weekend DIY Project: Design and Build Your Pergola:  Here’s a simple plan and instructions on how to build your own pergola. Before you even buy the materials needed, know that this project is for DIY-ers of intermediate or advances skills.  This is a 10’x10’ wooden pergola. Make sure you have a circular saw! (
  8. Build a Pergola: The size of this pergola is a modest 8’x8’. It is a weekend project and its best if you can get the help of another person. The instructions seem easy and explicit enough to follow. Another pair of hands is required so as to help in the aligning of posts and beams. (
  9. Pergolas: This website has an offering pergola designs and plans to meet varied specifications and requirements of homeowners. There are residential and commercial pergolas custom-designed for the discriminating clients. Attached pergolas, transitional pergolas, modular pergolas, Asian-styled pergolas, the choices are quite extensive. Choose the design and size of pergola you want to get a quote. (
  10. Pergola Sizes and Prices: This site has a wide range of DIY pergola kits ranging from 2 to 6 posts pergolas. The sizes range is from 8’x10’ to 14’x20’, depending on the number of posts. The price range is from $2,200 to $4,800. Customized sizes are also available upon request to the manufacturer. (

Trackbacks & Pingbacks 2

  1. From Some New Uses for Robots on 30 Jun 2013 at 7:43 pm

    […] you know how to build a pergola? I know that I don’t, but I reckon I could find a robot who does. Having a DIY robot to do […]

  2. From My Shiny New Apps on 28 Aug 2013 at 11:26 pm

    […] a start, I would quite like an app on how to build a pergola. Does this even exist? If it doesn’t could I ask some technologically inclined DIY expert to […]

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