In a Bad Mood With the World

Ok, so I admit that I am in a stinking bad mood with the world. And yes, that includes you as well. I have had a horrible flu hanging over my lungs for too long now and I have taken so much medicine that I feel like a human lab rat. Let’s see if I can take out my frustration on someone else now.

Let’s start on granite colors shall we? When I was a kid granite came in just the one colour, which I would honestly have called “granite”. So what’s gone wrong with the world that people now want fancy colours on their granite? Next you’ll be telling me that the different colors are naturally occurring in different parts of the world and thereby make me look like a fool. Great.

Since I couldn’t lay a glove on granite colours I am going to stick to colours and have a pop at wedding colors now. What’s this all about? Have you never heard of a white wedding dress? At a push I’ll accept cream or ivory but pink and black are just taking it too far. Am I behind the times again here? Actually, while I was in my sick bed earlier one of those programmes came on about gypsy weddings and they used some very extreme colors. Darn.

What have kitchen backsplash pictures ever done to me? On the face of it nothing but they have not exactly filled my life with backsplashing joy yet. File under “yet to prove themselves”.

Ah, now we are going to get to the crux of the matter with bedspreads and comforters. You see, I was all wrapped up in bed when the flu came a-calling. This just ain’t fair as far as I am concerned. The hated flu bug should be out looking for bad people who sleep with no covers on and who open their windows on cold nights. Leave me alone in the future.

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