Is This a Subliminal Message?

I have always been interested in the power of subliminal messages and what messages we send out to people through what we choose to wear, use and do. My house and habits say a lot about me but what do yours say about you?

If you have got white kitchen cabinets does that mean you have a hygienically clean, sterile kitchen and perhaps some sort of obsession with cleanliness? Unless they are covered with pizza stains and chocolate wrappers then it might. My kitchen cabinets aren’t white, which means that the stains and wrappers go a little less noticed.

If you have a fruit fly trap then you must be a bit of a fruit fan and a haters of insects. You want to get rid of the filthy little flies but you don’t want to get your hands dirty doing it. Personally I like to wave my arms uselessly at them and then get increasingly angry as they buzz around my head.

So, you use outdoor bar stools. You like to drink a lot of alcohol but you don’t trust yourself to do it in the house, where you run the risk of falling over a lot and smashing the glass on your drinks cabinet while on your indoor bar stools. Hmm, possibly you believe that the fresh air will help keep your head clear as you reach for another glass of whisky. I’ve actually not drunk for a few years now, more through a lack of interest than any serious decision to stop doing it. Now if you could find me some outdoor yoghurt stools I would be keen on them.

You have just sent people winter dogs christmas cards. The first thing that springs to mind is that you don’t realise that its March. Don’t you trust the postal service to deliver a simple postcard in less than 9 months? I guess you are a dog fan too, although you could be a dog hater trying to ingratiate yourself with your friends and family who own pooches. I haven’t sent a postcard in years and if I send one this year I might look for one with some cute little puppies on it. Well, who can resist them?

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