Now I Know Why I Need This

My back is killing me. Sorry to start off in such a negative frame but it is true. My wonderfully comfy fake leather office chair snapped inexplicably and I have pains shooting up my back as I type this in a completely unsuitable dining room chair.

This made me think about the other things which we take for granted until we don’t have them anymore.

For example, if there was no such thing as black mold removal perhaps black mould would take over the whole world. This is a pretty dreary thought. My life up until now has been kind of black mould free but maybe that is about to end. I wonder if mould of other colours would also flourish in this brave new world and populate the planet with multi coloured mould.

How many buildings and signs have you walked into in your life? I think I have done it on a couple of occasions but without fluorescent paint it could have been a lot more. I think that we should actually paint more things with fluorescent paint, starting with politicians’ shoes and buses.

Life without mattress reviews doesn’t sound too scary, does it? After all, how many of these do you read in a lifetime? Ah, but what would happen if they were banned? Buying bedwear would be a scary step into the unknown unless illegal mattress reviews appeared on the black market. Now that would be exciting. I think that buying a double divan or a king size memory foam model would be thrilling again. Of course, you might already find it exciting, which is perfectly fine as going window shopping for mattresses is a cheap form of entertainment.

Without balcony railings I would quite possibly have fallen from a balcony at least once in my life. It is just as well that some clever designer decided that balconies would go better with balcony railings attached to them.

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