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-- Sofia

Oysters Eat

Oysters are a general term for a number of bivalve mollusks living in marine or brackish water habitats. Some kinds of oysters are eaten by humans either cooked or raw. Here are some helpful sites you can visit to know more about eating oysters and the right way to do it, along with its health benefits.

  1. The Oyster Guide – This website focuses mainly on oyster appellations in America, meaning, a lot of data here is dedicated into classifying oysters depending on the geographical location from which they are grown. It also features an e-book called “A Geography of Oysters: The Connoisseur’s Guide to Oyster Eating in North America”. You can use the interactive maps to explore the oyster regions and appellations of North America, or look up your favorites using OysterFinder, their A-to-Z index including recent discoveries. They also creatively classified oyster eaters and where you could find the best oysters to satiate the demands of your taste buds. (
  2. All About Oysters by Angela Tunner – This is just one webpage containing an article on everything you need to know about oysters. I chose this one since everything is summarized here. It is a splendid read that deals on facts sprinkled with a bit of the author’s opinions. The how-to sections are also very informative and easy to follow. This article makes you want to crave for oysters right after reading it. (
  3. The Right Way to Eat a Raw Oyster by Vanity Fair – This is basically an article instructing you how to eat oysters, how to describe it, how to know if it’s a good oyster, how to distinguish among the many kinds of oysters in the menu, and all other questions that confused people have in mind when attending a party wherein oysters are served. You need not fret anymore, with this quick fun read; you’ll be geared with everything there is to know about oysters. (
  4. Safe Oysters – Here is an entirely different perspective of presenting oysters. Depending on what field you are in, be it healthcare, food and health education, industry, fishing or you are just a simple oyster consumer – the site has information about oysters that are classified according to which interests you most. Since we are most interested in oysters as food, we fall into the consumer’s category and we can find from this site essential guidelines on how to safely eat, cook, buy and store oysters. You can also obtain some oyster recipes from this site downloadable in PDF format. (
  5. Oysters at River House Restaurant and Bar – Yes, this came from a restaurant’s website but the information on oysters you can access here is extremely fun and interesting to read. The facts here are can be thought of as oyster trivia and it would be fun to share them to your friends especially when eating oysters. They may either think of you as a smart knowledgeable person or a nerd if you do so but it’s all a matter of delivery. (
  6. Wikihow: How to Eat Oysters – A step by step guide complete with a video demonstration on how to shuck, prepare and eat oysters. After reading this article, you’ll surely be able to prepare oysters like a gourmet chef. (
  7. All About Oysters – From the title of the page, expect to know many things about oysters here. You can find here the history of oysters, along with some little known facts about it, how it is classified, drinks recommended with it and a feature on how you can put together an oyster party. However, my favorite parts of this website are the oyster recipes. You will be amazed at how simple the recipes are but the final product is very exquisite and delicious. Oyster recipe books are also featured here. (
  8. Health Benefits of Oysters – This may just be a blog article but the information you can find here on the health benefits of oysters is very concise and straight to the point. It also provides links to other related sources on the web for supplementary reading. (
  9. Dr. Kal’s Wight Loss Tips – Another website that enumerates the health benefits of oysters but in here, he outlines them according to the vitamins and minerals you can get from eating oysters. Exchanges with users on the forum found at the bottom of the page is also an interesting read since questions are being raised and responded to with regards to the benefits of oysters to one’s body. (
  10. Raw Oyster Myths from the FDA – Here, the myths about eating raw oysters are exposed and you are subsequently informed of the facts behind them. Read on because this simple article may just save you from the dangers of eating raw oysters contaminated with Vibrio vulnificus. (
  11. Affluent Tastes Eating Oysters – I have nothing against the information found in this website, only that the long paragraphs and monotonous article might bore you. There are other sources on the internet where you are shown pictures even videos to illustrate what is tackled in this topic. It is hard to visualize the steps sometimes and that is the reason why I listed this source last. (

Trackbacks & Pingbacks 2

  1. From What Do You Buy the Man Who Has Everything? on 17 Aug 2011 at 3:58 am

    […] Oysters eat. When I saw this title I thought it was a warning, like the old “danger, man eating fish” joke. Turns out it is a bunch of information about that most exclusive of aphrodisiacs. Am I interested? You bet your cotton socks I am. I have long wanted to try oysters but always seem to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I may have mentioned before that I live very far from the sea so my oyster tasting will need to wait a bit yet. […]

  2. From Have Fun in the Rain on 11 Nov 2012 at 6:40 pm

    […] you like oysters eat them, and if you really like them then grow them in your garden. It can’t be that difficult […]

Oysters Eat, rated 4.6 out of 5, based on 2 ratings.

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