Wilderness Time

I’ve had enough of big city life, which is actually quite strange as I don’t live in a big city.

However, I still want a break from traffic, rap music, coffee stores and those jeans which look like they could fall off the owner at any moment.

Actually, I don’ t mind the coffee stores but I could do without the rest. What can I do to get away from these modern urban blues and find a simpler yet more fulfilling life?

Well, I could look for some log home supplies and build my own cabin in the wilds. I can’t even begin to imagine what it would be like to live in a house I built myself. I struggle to put up a picture on the wall so this might be a step too far for me anyway.

Maybe I could do something easier like chop down some trees and build my own wood furniture. There are plenty of trees out in the wilds here, I own a decent looking axe and I even have a lumberjack style shirt. What could possibly go wrong?

I really like the sound of folding cardboard boxes but would they be much use to a bold frontiersman like me? I mean, would they stand up to a heavy snowfall or an attack by wild bears? These are the kinds of thing I need to worry about now and if I am being honest I am starting to have second thoughts about the while idea anyway.

I probably need to look for some used farm equipment, don’t I? Now that I will be growing my own turnips and ploughing fields and things I will need some machinery to do it with. Where I live the people still use oxen and old fashioned ploughs to work the land and sometimes I feel as though I have stepped back in to the 19th century when I go out to the farms around me. There’s nothing wrong with that of course and I could find the perfect anitdote to modern city life doing the same.

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