This list contains the top deals I've found for Behr Paint Colors. We have also written about Paint Colors, Road Marking Paint and Granite Colors.
-- Lena

Behr Paint Colors

Behr has been making homes and business establishments “colorful” since 1947. Founded by Otho Behr Jr., the paint company has quite an extensive line of interior and exterior paints. What started out as a linseeds oil business soon expanded into wood stains and clear finishes for redwood as demanded by consumers. It is a good thing that Dr. Otho Behr Sr. was an excellent chemist! Today, Behr Paint brand is the preferred brand in the U.S.A.

  1. Popular BEHR Colors for Your Customers: Whether you are an interior decorator or a general contractor or even an eager homeowner, you want to know what are the popular color choices used in today’s structures. There are 4 basic color classifications from BEHR and they are whites, neutrals and lights, midtones and dark tones. Check out this page to know more about the most popular color choices. (
  2. Behr Colors: This website has an extensive BEHR Paint Color chips for you to choose from. The color palettes are presented in 48 palettes with over 1,600 colors. Though there are more than 4,000 colors from BEHR, the colors presented will be more than enough for you to choose from. (
  3. Find Your Color: Start Color Smart: Not sure what colors to choose? You can choose and preview your color choice through the interactive page on BEHR’s website. Click on Find Your Color, Start Color Smart then follow instructions to arrive at great possibilities pertaining to your color combinations. You can do your own color palette or ask for BEHR’s recommended colors. (
  4. Our Galleries (photos): You can view and get inspired by the attractive presentations of BEHR color combinations on this page. There are interior and exterior images to view.  On this page you can find color scheme inspirations- modern, traditional, arts and crafts, country or fusion. The choice is yours. (
  5. Welcome to the BEHR Virtual Color Center: BEHR has two color centers – BEHR Color Center and Premium Plus Ultra Color Center. The former is the center for regular BEHR interior and exterior paints while the later is the center for premium paints that do not require any primer to apply. (
  6. BEHR Color 2013 Color and Style Trends (video): Here’s a short video presentation from BEHR showing its color and style trends for 2013. Hues of blues, reds, neutrals and pastels. Of course, not everyone will like the color scheme presented in this video.  What am I saying? Well, in the end, the color choices for your home still depend on your preferences and “taste”. Word of advice: please consider professional advice if you have no inkling on what colors to choose. (
  7. Interior How To’s: So you want to paint your own house. Fine. No one can stop you. But, if you have no inkling on the ABCs of house painting, the instructions on this website would help. You can learn on how to prep different surfaces. You might even want to try your hands on textured paint or any of the various types of glazing. (
  8. BEHR Products: BEHR paints are exclusively sold at Home Depot. Sold at all Home Depot are BEHR’s lines of oil and water-based stains, concreter, garage and basement paints, interior and exterior paints. Color Palettes are Whites, Beiges and Creams, Browns and Tans, Greens, Yellows and Golds, Oranges and Peaches, Reds and Pinks, Purples and Lavenders, Turquoises/Aquas, Blues, Grays and Blacks. (
  9. ColorSmart by BEHR™ Mobile: For those using iDevices, you can download a mobile app of BHER’s website. This is especially useful for those who are into interior decorations and construction, and for those who are in the middle of a new house construction or renovations. (
  10. Understanding Different Types of Paint: There are two general types of paints – oil-based and water-based.  Oil-based paint is commonly called acrylic while water-based is called latex. There are different sheens to from matte to high-gloss. Why the differences? It’s because various surfaces have varied paint requirements. (

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