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-- Sofia

Dyson Air Multiplier

Dyson Air Multiplier – James Dyson created this innovation in the line of electric fans and it was released in 2009. It is more energy efficient than the usual fans we see on the market today. It intends to provide smooth airflow and it aims to operate safer than bladed fans. To learn more about this new product, here are some websites to check out.

  1. – This is Dyson Company’s official website and in this particular webpage, they feature their most innovative product to date, Dyson Air Multiplier. Here you will find a video comparing this new invention to the normal electric fans we have seen before. The site contains information on what fan ranges or sizes are available, along with the countries and specific stores they are sold in. Four of the most important features of this product are also described in this site. Everything you need to know about this product is here but the data presented are all positive obviously because the website has promotional motives. (
  2. Dyson Air Multiplier at – This is a shopping website whose Dyson Air Multipliers page contains relevant facts about Dyson Air Multiplier. This website presents the product the way it really is, innovative and futuristic. The article explains its mechanism and how it is more advantageous compared to the normal fans we’ve seen before. You will also see a video here of James Dyson itself promoting the product. Pictures of different models of the product are also shown and you can purchase them in a click. Each model has its own web page that indicates its price, dimension, specs, user reviews, etc. (
  3. – This website is full of reaction videos to this product. It is fun to watch people react to what this appliance is capable of doing, and how they are amazed by this innovative spin on the usual electric fan. The interface of the website is a mess, however, but despite this, it provides honest consumer and expert reviews you can count on. (
  4. Dyson Air Multiplier Review at – You may not find product listings in this webpage as it is basically just a blog but the article reviewing Dyson Air Multiplier is informative enough that you’d feel like you’re already an expert on this appliance after reading. An infomercial about the mechanism of this appliance is also shown here. Comments of readers about their take on this new appliance are also a good read. (
  5. Dyson Air Multiplier Review at – You will see that this is one of the most uncompromising tech review sites which is good since venues like this keep you from dishing out cash on something experts aren’t actually impressed about. Dyson Air Multiplier costs $299 more or less, much pricier than the typical electric fans we know. Is it worth it? Read the article in this site and see for yourself. You may also want to scroll down to the comments to know what other people think. (
  6. Dyson Air Multiplier Review at – From the ever reliable source of tech-product reviews, you will find a write-up that talk about this innovation. A video is also found on this page, with the same aim of informing the public of the capabilities of this new product. User comments which are relatively higher in number are also found here and they present unbiased opinions. Some are amazed by the product, some find it ridiculous. Read to decide which side are you on. (
  7. Dyson Air Multiplier Review at – You may say that this is just another blog or review site. Well, you’re right, but this webpage is as helpful as it gets. The pictures of the product may look too amateurish but they have provided a closer view of the products essential parts. This website contains a link to in case you are too enticed by the review’s positive points and decide to buy it. User comments may also aid you in some way so check them out. (
  8. Dyson Air Multiplier at – This is just one of the videos containing reviews, infomercials or reactions by people who have encountered this product. For those who prefer audiovisual presentations because they find reading and browsing through reviews such a bore, Youtube has always been the solution for your woes. Don’t forget to check out the comments. (
  9. Dyson Air Multiplier at – Obviously created for online shoppers who don’t have time to go out, test and see the product for themselves, provides concise information regarding the product including product features, details, price and customer reviews. If you want to buy the product, be’s guest. They are the largest multinational electronic commerce company after all. Get a feel of the efficient online shopping experience they offer. (
  10. Dyson Air Multiplier at – This is apparently a shopping website based in Australia. The reviews for the product are as informative as the rest but are relatively few. If you want an advance read on the product manual before even buying one, a copy is downloadable from this page. (
  11. Dyson Air Multiplier at – Lowe’s may have great webpages for some of their products but it is not consistent. For instance, look at the page dedicated to Dyson Air Multiplier. It lacked information regarding the product which is probably because it is still unknown to many and it is a newbie in the market. If you think has all the answers to your appliance inquiries, then you might have to miss out what they got on Dyson Air Multipliers because you will just be disappointed. (

Additional User Suggestion

  1. Neeraj Goel wrote:

    We are looking for the distributor of Dyson fan in Mumbai ( India)

    Please forward the details on the above e mail id

    Posted 17 Nov 2011 at 8:24 am
Dyson Air Multiplier, rated 4.5 out of 5, based on 1 ratings.

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